
Official Site of Darrell Ingrum: Novelist, Editor, Literary Essayist, Book Reviewer, Critic, Legendary Wild West Gunslinger, Barbarian King, and American President,

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What you’ll find here: an enthusiastic love for writing. If you love reading novels and talking about them, if you’ve wanted to write your own, then you’re in the right place! Check out my essay breaking down the themes of Don Delillo’s White Noise under My Essays. It’s a novel beloved by many, read in many college English courses, but I think a lot of readers end up scratching their heads. I’ve found a key to it, though.

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  • On my Reviews page: an insightful review of a contemporary adventure, A.W. Baldwin’s Diamonds of Devil’s Tail.
    • I’m particularly interested in this genre since I’m writing an adventure novel, myself: Terrible Tom in Hell’s Colosseum
    • This reading was eye-opening for me, frankly presented more good examples of what a writer should not do, rather than should.
  • On my Essays page: my new essay called “On the Origin of Ideas”
    • Here is a start, upon which I may expand later, of an explanation for my brand and motivation.
    • I encourage every writer to try this exercise; it has been quite eye-opening for me, helping me gain confidence in my work and providing perspective, focus, and inspiration for my novel.

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